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Mullins Consulting, Inc.
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Sample White Papers and eBook authored by Craig S. Mullins
Unleashing Db2 SQL Workload Performance Using In-Memory Techniques
A white paper for Log-On Software
From A to zIIP: Leveraging the IBM Specialty Processor for Mainframe Cost Savings
An eBook for CloudFrame
The Many Different Types of DBAs
A white paper for Datavail
Don’t Upgrade Blind: Critical Issues to Consider Before Executing a Db2 Upgrade
A white paper for Datavail
Best Practices for Optimizing Db2 Performance: A Guide for DBA Maanagers
A white paper for Datavail
Embrace Digital Transformation with IBM Db2
A white paper for BMC Software
A New Approach to Managing Unstructured Data
A white paper for BMC Software
Indexes are Key to Application Performance and Response Times
A white paper for BMC Software
Compliance Needs Drive Data Access Auditing Requirements
A white paper for BMC Software
Database Archiving: Managing Data for Long Retention Periods
A white paper for NESI
The Pros and Cons of Database Scaling Options
A white paper for nuoDB
Db2 for z/OS Database Change Management and DevOps
A white paper for BMC Software
IBM DB2 12 for z/OS Tools and Utilities:
New Feature Support and the Impact of Continuous Deliver
A white paper for IBM
Improve the Health and Performance of Db2 Applications
A white paper for InnovizeIT
Moderninzing Db2 for z/OS with Autonomics
A white paper for IBM
Reducing Cost and Improving Performance
with IBM DB2 Tools with IBM DB2 Tools and Utilities
A white paper for IBM
Surviving Common DB2 Performance Problems
A white paper for Quest Software
Tune That SQL for Supercharged DB2 Performance
A white paper for NESI
Sample White Papers
and eBooks
by Craig S. Mullins
Craig’s DBA Book
DBA Best Practices 2ed
Craig’s Db2 Books
Db2 Dev Guide
Db2 App Perf
Sample Webinars
Craig’s recorded webinars